Female Al-Shabaab convict succumbs to diabetes in Mogadishu jail

A female Al-Shabaab supporter serving a 15 year jail term for complicity in the militant group’s activities has been pronounced dead in a Mogadishu jail.
The deputy head of the Central jail in Mogadishu General Mohammed Omar told the media Sunday Deeqo Diraac succumbed to diabetes in the morning after falling into a comma Saturday.
General Omar said the convict who was suffering from diabetes refused blood transfusion before she went into a comma.
“The doctors had told her she needed more blood but she refused help. She fell into a comma Saturday and died this morning,” the general said.
Deeqo was sentenced to a 15 year jail term in 2014 after a military court found her guilty of abetting and supporting Al-Shabaab attacks in Mogadishu. She was sentenced alongside two other male convicts.
General Omar said doctors visit the jail every day to check on the condition of the inmates most of whom are serving long jail terms, among them Al-Shabaab militants.