Fierce battle in Bulo-marer between Allied forces and Al-shabab

Fierce battle has on last night erupted between Somali National Army (SNA) backed by the African peace-keeping forces (AMISOM) in Bulo-marer Lower Shabelle region.
The fighting took place in military bases at the outskirts of the town, leaving unspecified casualties from both sides.
Our reporter from lower Shabelle says the situation is now calm, as the forces have full control of the area.
On 30th August, Somali Government Forces aided by African Union peacekeepers have taken control of strategic town of Bulo-marer, southern Somalia after heavy battle with Al-shabab.
A week ago, Somali and African Union forces have launched a long-awaited offensive against al-Shabab fighters aimed at capturing remaining port towns in the hands of Al-shabab.