Finance Minister Beileh tables 2019 budget in the Lower House

Finance Minister Abdirahman Beyle today tabled the 2019 budget at the Lower House opening debate ahead of an expected endorsement.
Beyleh said the budget had increased from $274.6 million in 2018 to $340 million in 2019 with social sectors getting extra allocations. Beyleh noted the government still collects revenue from Mogadishu alone.
“We have three key sections in the budget; taxes and revenue, grants and project based items supported by international organisations. The revenue is from Mogadishu alone and does not include the regions,” the minister said.
The minister also defended increased budgetary allocations to health sector which got extra 6 million and education-$4 million noting this was necessary to meet the increasing needs in these sectors. The government started reclamation of public primary schools last year and so far is supporting about 25 of them which were initially under private hands.
The budget bill now proceeds for scrutiny by the House Budget Committee before it is debated.
Meanwhile the Lower House today passed the Disabled Persons Act.