First 2,400 troops from Puntland integration into Somali National Army

The first batch of 2,400 troops from the federal member states were today integrated into the National Army.
The 2,400 darwish troops from Puntland officially joined the national army in a ceremony held in the 54th camp of the Puntland forces in Garowe.
Puntland deputy president Abdihakim Abdullahi Amay said the integration was the beginning of an exercise which had taken a long time to be implemented. “This process has taken a ling time but finally it has started. The Federal Government will be responsible for paying their salaries and all other needs.” said Amay.
Federal government state minister of defense Mohamed Ali Hagaa called on the new troops to do their best in defending the country. “Today is the beginning of integration starting with Puntland. You have to double your efforts to fight against the enemy.”
Also in attendance military chief Sa’id Mohamed Hersi.
The troops integration plan started in the 2015 under the Gulwade plan which aimed at integrating regional forces into the national army to strengthen and build the force. The newly adopted National Security Architecture provides that each regional state will contribute 3,000 troops to the national army.