First Khat flight lands at Jowhar Airport

The first ever flight ferrying Khat has landed at Jowhar airport, the regional capital of HirShabelle State.
Khat traders expressed joy over the start of the direct Khat cargo flights from Kenya to Jowhar.
The HirShabelle regional capital previously received the narcotic leaves from Mogadishu.
As a result of the new flight, price of the stimulant drug has gone down compared to the one previously delivered from Mogadishu.
Khat traders promised to make sure that the flights arrive on daily bases.
Hirshabelle administration which is seeking to generate tax revenue from the narcotic plant business, has reportedly facilitated for the traders to commence the khat flights.
Recently, HirShabelle president and his deputy made a visit to the small seaport town of El-ma’an in Middle Shabelle and toured the airstrip and small port in the area as they plan to reopen both facilities which are located in areas under the jurisdiction of HirShabelle.