Five people killed and five others injured in new clashes in Baladweyne

At least five people have been killed and over five others injured in clan clashes that erupted in Somalia’s central town, Baladweyne, located 350Km north of Mogadishu.
The fighting sparked on Tuesday after two clan militias based in Baladweyne’s Howlwadaag neighborhood.
The director of Baladweyne hospital has confirmed death one civilian and injuries five others.
Mohamed Abdi, a resident in Howlwadaag neighborhood said the new clashes started following retaliation incidents including two separate killings carried out by the sides.
“In the weeks these clan militias have been calling for reinforcement that led both sides get many fighters from the neighbouring states, yesterday’s fighting claimed lives of four fighters from both sides ” said Abdi.
He added “Most of the local residents in area started fleeing their homes in fear of fighting between the two sides”
The two clans severally clashed over control of boreholes and pasture in areas around the town, according to our correspondent in Baladweyne town Khalid Ilka Asse.
Both the clan militias clashes over four times in less than a year the latest one claimed lives two AMISOM soldiers after the troops tried to intervene” said Ilka Asse.