Floods Displace Families in Gedo
After days of flooding, Hundreds of people in Gedo region who are living near River Jubba are in urgent need of food, shelter, clean drinking water and medical services.
More than five hundred families have been affected by flooding during the past one week in most parts of the region from the heavy rains.
Buur-Dhuubo town and its environs have been greatly affected, especially settlements along River Jubba which is the major source of water. Due to high water pressure, the river has broken its bank leading to the displacement of people and animals.
Hassan Ali asked the government to intervene quickly to help the residents. Ali said those affected should be assisted as they lost all their property in the disaster.
Heavy rains in these areas have left households displaced as well as caused destruction of property and livelihoods. The heavy floods have been experienced in the area for several days.
The local farmers are crying for the mass losses of their crops caused by the heavy floods. They have been made to sleep in hunger while the food they produced cannot be accessed.
Much more suffering is yet to be expected, especially if there are prolonged floods. The critical needs for flood-affected populations include safe water and sanitation, as people’s health is put at risk through use of contaminated water sources and poor sanitation practices and facilities.