Galgadud governor: Ahlu Suna’s intension of starting these clashes is to interrupt the formation of the proposed Central Somalia state
Storyline:National News

The governor of Galgadud region Hussein Ali Wehliye Irfo addressing the media gave full details of clashes that embarked between Alhu suna Wal Jama’a and government forces in Dusa Mareb district.
The governor said that the clashes are incited by individuals who intend to lead the region into chaos.
He stated that Ahlu Suna’s intension of starting these clashes is to interrupt the formation of the proposed Central Somalia state covering Galgadud and Mudug regions.
Mr. Irfo called Ahlu Suna militias to shun from anything that might lead bloodshed in the region and come back to the negotiating table.
His remarks comes a time when government forces took over the control of Dus Mareb district in a clash with Ahlu Suna militia.