Galmudug and Puntland form joint peace security force

The two neighbouring states of Galmudug and Puntland created joint security officers aimed to keep security in their volatile regions according to the state leaders.
Addressing a forum for the closing ceremony for the combined security personnel from each state, the Deputy President of Puntland Abdihakim Haji Omar Amey cited the residents of Mudug region especially Galkayo town are now ready for peace and as leaders are determined to fulfill the dreams of their people.
“I am telling Galmudug and Puntland to continue firmly with the same spirit that we kept maintaining peace and, fraternity in the past days. Speaking on behalf of Puntland administration, we are sincere in our peace efforts and I am making clear for you that people are now ripe for peace” said Puntland Deputy President Amey.
On the side of Galmudug, his counterpart Deputy President Mohamed Hashi Abdi narrated how the leaders from the two states have been engaged maintaining peace in the region which culminated in the formation of peace security force that will lead the locals to live in harmony.
“The logic behind this training for the combined force is to take a lion’s share in the security of Galkayo town where this town has experienced a lot of skirmishes and blood spill. To overcome this menace, we decided to create a joint force to maintain peace” said Galmudug, Deputy President Abdi.
This move sets a good ambience for lasting peace solution in the near future according to the local people but historically Mudug region is naturally regarded as a hot spot that changes its tranquility unexpectedly within a short time of period and most of its peace agreements have been violated leading to perpetual circle of violence.
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