Galmudug conducts operation to fight illegal fishing off the coast

Somalia’s regional state in central regions, Galmudug has launch operations to combat illegal fishing in its waters following constant complains from local fishermen.
The officials said dozens of coastal guards dispatched to patrol the waters and prevent illegal fishing activities.
‘’They are costing the lives of fishermen who have many families relying on them. We cannot just allow them to continue this and if they don’t stop, we will take harsh actions against them,’’ said one of Galmudug coast guard officials.
He said the fighting against the illegal fishing will be continuous until Somalia’s water is secured.
This is first move by Galmudug state to fight against the illegal business in the horn of Africa nation.
Local Fishermen have continuously complained about foreign trawlers who are doing the illegal fishing and dumping waste.
Some fishermen have gone missing while others are tortured by the trawlers who at times spray boiling water from cannons.
Since the collapse of the Somali government in 1991, Somalia has struggled to protect its fishery resources. Foreign fishing corporations have taken advantage of the instability of the region and have been fishing in the Somali’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) unhindered.
The illegal fishing threatens Somalia’s coastal communities and many analysts have pointed to illegal fishing to be the impetus that drives piracy in Somalia.
Somalia waters contain some of the world’s most important stocks of tuna, anchovies, sharks, rays, lobsters, and shrimps, but they are barely monitored or policed, and wide open to legal and illegal plunder.