Galmudug President Visits Troops on Front Lines in Galgaduud

Galmudug president Abdikarim Guled Monday visited to the front line of Galgadud region, spending hours with his troops in a tense area where the military fights Al-Shabab.
The president who was accompanied by minister for defence, several other commanders wanted to fathom the scale of things on the ground and get first hand information about the situation of the soldiers.
“I came here to see for myself the great work Army is doing on behalf of our people to count the threat that exists here in Galgaduud state and whole Somalia.There is very bad press outside there but actually the truth I have seen here is that this is a very professional force that is trying very hard and actually are making great success and I think the success against Al-Shabab is something the outside world needs to know about,” he said.
The government forces are busy battling Al-Shabab fighters who want to topple federal government of Somalia.
Security analysts say that despite military losses, the group makes a steady comeback by recapturing towns lost to the allied Somali and African Union troops, a development that may reverse gains made for the past few years.
Somali government is trying its best to bring back hope and restore security in a country that has had no peace since 1991.