Garissa varsity marks 2nd year since deadly Al-Shabaab attack

Garissa University in Kenya’s north east which was the scene of a deadly Al-Shabaab attack last year commemorated the second anniversary Sunday as students, parents and staff honoured the 147 lives lost during the attack.
Athletics Kenya organised a 5km marathon in memory of the victims either killed or maimed during the militant’s raid on the institution.
College principal Ahmed Warfa said security has been tightened and a police post set up inside the institution manned by 42 officers.
“We set up police inside and a biometric identification device has also been placed at the entrance of the college, restricting strangers from accessing the institution,’ said Warfa while speaking at the ceremony in Garissa town.
Warfa said the institution has introduced lectures deterring students from radicalisation.
“This is to ensure that the students are not brain-washed by radical groups who are now targeting university students,” he said.
The current admission of the university stands at 585 with 200 being residential, according to the principal.