Garowe: Lawmakers and puntland administration issue communiqué after meeting

Extra-ordinary meeting and consultation between federal parliament MPs who reached Garowe and Puntland president Abdiweli Gaas was concluded, releasing communiqué comprising of four points.
President Gaas said it is important to end the differences through dialogue.
Sahro Said, Puntland constitution minister read the communiqué to the media.
1-The grievances and complains of Puntland against federal government are valid with clear evidence.
2- MPs suggested Puntland to give opportunity to dialogue with the presence of international community.
3-In case the dialogue fails to address of Puntland complains, the administration will take the appropriate action in accordance to its constitution.
4- Finally, the lawmakers and Puntland government agreed upon that the signed agreement to form unified administration for Galgadud and Mudug regions was unconstitutional and might lead to instability and conflicts.