Gof Gadud administration claim victory on clashes between government forces and Al-shabab

The administration of Gof Gaduud locality in Bay region claiming victory gave details about clashes that embarked between government forces and Al-shabab in the area on Friday.
The administrator of the area Ahmed Adan Mohamed alias Ahmed Jadiid stated that the government forces prevented planned attack Al-shabab group were intending to carry out in Kurtun area adding that the forces killed several Shabab members though he hasn’t specified the exact number.
Mr. Jadiid said government forces getting help from the local people in the area will fight Al-shabab so as to maintain the security of the region.
He added that the forces are always vigilant to prevent the planed attacks of the group and vowed to continue the security crackdown in the area.
Al-shabab regularly carry out attacks against government AU troops’ bases in the region.