Government forces with Amisom captured several locations from Alshabab says SNA regional commander

Somali national army with Amisom soldiers captured several locations from Alshabab fighters which are located along the way between the Beledweyne, Matabaan and Mahaas towns following security operations initiated yesterday in HirShabelle state.
Commander of the 5th Section of the 27th Battalion Brigadier General Tabane Ahmed Guraray who is stationed in Beledweyne town, Hiran region, HirShabelle state today briefed the media on the confrontation with Alshabab fighters and their subsequent capture of the locations.
“Security operations started between Beledweyne, Mahaas and Mataan towns, mountainous roads where the enemy attempted to block the roads between these towns, bringing hardship upon the people and taxing them. We started the operation yesterday. The fight is going on and we have captured several locations from them like Inaad, Eelow, Afar Irdood.
On casualties, he mentioned that there were no injuries or deaths on the joint forces though the operation is still ongoing. “We have not yet seen a formidable force up to now and no casualties on our side so far. The operation is under way and it will not stop” said Commander Guraray.
The security operation is jointly conducted by the SNA based in Hiran and Amisom Sector 4 aiming “to secure roads blocked by Alshbab fighters and to eliminate them from the region and the entire country. The operation is going smoothly.”
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