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Government committed to securing capital, Mogadishu; Information Minister says

Storyline:National News

Government committed to securing capital, Mogadishu  GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: The Federal Government of Somalia’s Minister for Information, Culture and Tourism Daud Awesi Jama has stressed the government’s commitment to secure the capital city Mogadishu.

The Minister said the good cooperation between the citizens and the national security forces was crucial in achieving this goal which he observed will see development in the city.

Mr. Jama spoke while meeting the Acting Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General for Somalia Anita Kiki Gbheho at his office in Mogadishu where he briefed her on the progress in the fight against Al-Shabaab and government’s efforts to rebuild the various sectors country.

The Minister also told the UN Envoy the details of a recent meeting by the Council of Ministers who adopted resolutions that will see proper management of the country’s public finances and fighting graft.

On her part, the UN envoy praised the Federal Government’s efforts to stabilize Somalia and restore peace and stability in the country and place Somalia firmly in the path to development and prosperity.

She added that the United Nations will stand with Somalia in its efforts to restore lasting peace in the country.