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Government Forces Diffuse Roadside IED in the Lower Shabelle Region

GOOBJOOG NEWS | AFGOYE: The Somali national forces and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) successfully diffused a roadside bomb that had been planted by suspected Al-Shabaab militants  on the road between Lanta-Bura and Afgoye in the Lower Shabele Region.

Military sources say the bomb had been planted to target both civilian and security forces using the road.

The incident comes amidst heightened security operations by the government forces and its international partners in Lower Shabelle region aimed at liberating all parts of the region from the militant group.

The sources said the national forces are still carrying out similar operations in the area to ensure no more Improvised Explosive Devices remain along major roads to avoid harm to civilians and security forces.

The Federal government forces , the Regional Government forces and the African Union soldiers of ATMIS have several times carried out several operations in which they indicated they have removed landmines placed on the roads.