Government Introduces Education In Prisons

Somali government is planting initiatives to educated women and implement women empowerment even it comes to those who are housed in central jail.
Through rehabilitation process, in Somali maximum prison aka Central jail section of Women, the government implemented projects to give vocational training and educate to the young ladies resting behind the bars.
The Ceremony to kick off the projects was held at the prison in attendance with Somali minister for women and Human right development Sahra Mohamed Ali Samatar, the commissioner Somali custodial corps Bashiir Ahmed Jama’a and dignitaries.
Speaking at the ceremony, the commissioner said that every person incarcerated has to get basic needs including food, medical and basic education.
“Any citizen apprihended here who lost his or her right of movement has to get place to sleep, medical attention and vocational education” he said.
He added that he is about to carry out initiatives to educate those ypung people who faced limited movement so that they become useful citizen.
Somali minister for women and Human right development Sahra Mohamed Ali Samatar, for her part, she said that her ministry put great efforts to make sure that prison’s right preserved as per required by the provisional constitution of Somalia.