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Somali Government Officials Visit Victims of Mogadishu Terrorist Attack

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Top government officials visited victims of the terrorist attack that occurred late Friday at Lido beach Mogadishu.

The officials, led by Banadir Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu Yusuf Hussein Jimale Deputy Health Minister Dr. Mohamed Hassan Mulaale among others called upon medical officials in the various hospitals to to do their best to assist and provide medical attention to the victims.

Mayor Madale urged the people of the capital to be vigilant and take care of one another from the vicious terrorists and help their fellow Somalis injured and in the hospitals.

On his part, Deputy Health minister Dr. Mohamed Hassan Bulaale extended his heartfelt condolences to the families and relatives of those killed in the attack and pledged government’s support to the injured, underscoring the government’s commitment to aiding those affected by this act of terror