Heavy fighting between government forces and Al-Shabab in Aw-Dhegle and Mubarak costs 45 dead

Somali government forces have recaptured Aw-Dhegle town and Mubarak locality which Al-Shabab fighters seized this morning after they engaged furious fighters Somali National Army (SNA).
Aw-Dheegle district commissioner, Mohamed Aweys Abukar told the media that the government soldiers dislodged Al-Shabab fighters from both localities after hours of infuriated fighting which cost 45 death toll and more other injuried.
“It was early this morning when Al-Shabab fighters attacked Aw-Dheegle and Mubarak localities, they engaged heavy gun battle with government soldiers which led death of 19 soldiers and 26 Al-Shabab fighters, the dead bodies of Al-Shabab fighters scattered in the town” he said.
He added that Somali government seized the localities two years ago but AMISOM troop withdrew from the two towns three months back without informing the administration and that lead reinforced Al-Shabab fighters to carry out deadly attack.
Al-Shabab fighters which claimed the responsibility of the attack said that its fighters killed 25 government soldiers in Mubarak and Aw-Dhegle skirmishes.
This marks the second time Al-Shabab fighters engage fighting with the Government soldiers in Mubarak and Aw-Dhegle localities though the administration Lower Shabelle region claimed that it has deployed enough capable soldiers to the areas.