Ridwan Hersi: Any minister who can’t work with the government is free to resign and pave way for replacement

Some of the cabinet ministers of federal government of Somalia have taken meeting in prime minister’s office today.
The meeting was chaired by PM Abdiweli, the minister discussed wide ranged issues including the political tension between the leaders, security, the election of South west Somalia’s leader and the New Deal conference in Copenhagen.
During the meeting 17 assistant ministers and three state ministers submitted a petition letter to PM Abdiweli calling to resign.
After the meeting deputy Prime minister and religious affairs minister Ridwan Hersi Mohamed briefed the media about the conference, he said the government in an effort to beef up security has arrested many suspects behind of the security threats in the capital and seized weapons in a massive security crackdown.
The deputy prime minister said that the office of the prime minister responded clearly on the issue , he added that any minister who can’t work with the government is free to resign and pave way for replacement.
On the other hand responding to a question about the interior minister’s remarks of welcoming the newly elected president of South West Somalia and the stand of the federal government, Mr. Ridwan said the government has a spokesman and minister for information who are authorized pass the decisions of the government.
“ A minister has no right to get ahead of the government and take individual judgment” Ridwan said.