High Level Partnership Forum ends, sets crucial timelines for Somali government

The second Ministerial High-Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) ended on Thursday evening in Mogadishu, Somalia, with renewed commitment from the Federal Government and partners to aggressively pursue the implementation of priority areas in the New Deal Somali Compact.
According to a communiqué released at the conclusion of the 2-day meeting, more progress is needed on the political, security and economic fronts. Read the communiqué at: http://bit.ly/1OSIPZp
The forum resolved that a detailed plan that will deliver an electoral process in 2016 through a broadly consultative and inclusive process, should be completed by the end of 2015.
The SRSG Nicholas Kay re-echoed the need for inclusive, transparent politics to foster progress as the country prepares to transfer power. He reiterated the commitment of the partners towards attaining priorities identified in the New Deal Somali Compact.
“We made important commitments and set some important deadlines and important principles that we wish to see followed together collectively, the international community and the Federal government and institutions of Somalia,” the SRSG said.
The two-day meeting was co-chaired by President and the SRSG Nicholas Kay.