Clan militias clash in Somalia’s Galgaduud region

Clan militiamen have clashed in deadly battle on Saturday near Da’adheer village in Galgaduud region.
The militias fought over the control of water well in the vicinity, according to locals.
Three people including combatants and civilians injured in the clashes on Saturday between the rival clans.
Villagers in many areas of the region have fled in fear of revenge attacks.
Pastoralists have clashed intermittently for years over access to grazing, farmland and water in the region.
Tensions between the two clans have risen in recent days after killing several people for revenge.
Sources told Goobjoog News that traditional elders, clerics and intellectuals are making efforts to ease the tension and hostilities between the two clans in the areas.
Arguments over land use, boreholes and pasture have perennially contributed to fighting among Somali clans who are largely pastoralists.