Hiiran elders express concern over Federal Government’s approach to Hiiran and Middle Shabelle state formation conference in Jowhar
Traditional elders and clan chiefs of Hiiran region have previously boycotted to attend the state formation conference in Jowhar.
Ugas Ali Ugas in an exclusive interview to Goobjoog news this morning accused Somali Federal Government for many irregularities that have contributed to the impediment of the conference ‘at the beginning we thought that Federal Government’s role was to facilitate the conference, so that elders, politicians and intellectuals from the two regions deliberate and shape the state, but now everything is controlled by the government’ Said Ugas Ali
He called Federal government to change its strategy towards the conference ‘we want inclusive conference that could satisfy all the resident of the two regions’ said Ugas Ali
Middle shablle and Hiiran state formation conference is at halt after important clans boycotted the conference.
Efforts to resume the conference are underway as Standbul higher level partnership forum concluded yesterday in Turkey called to swift the state formation process.