Mogadishu administration starts re-carpeting roads in the city

Mogadishu local government has started re- carpeting roads in Waberi and Hamar Jajab districts with new tarmac and building of new lanes in a project aimed at stimulating economic growth.
According to Benadir administration, access roads have also been opened up in Hamar Jajab district that were previously impassable.
The poor road network has been partly blamed for the slow economic growth in the districts.
The residents expressed optimism that as devolution takes root, they will see more development projects being initiated.
Mohamed Ali a trader in the district, said most of the business people are discouraged by the dilapidated roads when transporting their goods.
“We are, however optimistic that with the ongoing infrastructural projects, the economic impact of Hilwaa district will be felt,” said Ali.
The roads in Mogadishu are still mostly unpaved, with only certain streets — the ones where most of the businesses and government offices are located having tarmac on them.