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Hiraan elders: Somali government drags its Feet on state formation for Hiraan and Middle Shabelle regions

Storyline:National News

Some of traditional elders in Hiraan have accused Somali government of dragging its feet on state formation for Hiraan and Lower Shabelle.

Elder Badal jama’a Hirsi who spoke to Goobjoog News said the the inter-regional state formation conference for Hiiraan and its neighbouring Middle Shabelle region which kicked off in the agricultural town of Jowhar has been boycotted by clan elders after the government failed to convince them.

He highlighted that Some elders who previously agreed to attend the conference in the regional capital of Lower Shabelle region have accused the Somali President of insincerity.

“The elders vacated the conference days after it kicked off and the government is not ready to iron out the problem” said Hirsi.

Federal Government of Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Thursday arrived in Hiran regional capital of Beledweyne on a second visit within a month.

Mohamud aims to reconcile Hiran and Middle Shabelle clan elders following a misunderstanding that brought to a halt the ongoing state formation convention in Jowhar.