Hundreds Demonstrate against Motion Presented Before The Federal Parliament of Somali

Reports from Lower Jubba region indicate that hundreds of Somalis took to the streets of Kismayo town demonstrating against motion against the newly formed regional parliament of Interim JUbba Administration (IJA) which was presented to Somali federal parliament.
The demonstration is organized by some of the civil society including IJA women associations and children and people were carrying placards reading “we don’t allow interference, let we decide for ourselves.”
Some of the Protestors said that the motion against IJA parliament is backed by some of the MPs who have hidden agendas.
“We are not going to swallow a destructive idea run by some of the federal MPs who were being bribe to throw the hope IJA people through the window” said one elderly protestor.
Some of the federal Lawmakers have presented Motion against the newly formed IJA parliament claiming that it was not formed inclusively.