IN: Mursal to take over office as new Lower House Speaker today

Mohamed Mursal will officially take over rein as Speaker of the Lower House today after his election last week.
Immediate former speaker Mohamed Jawari will hand-over office to the new speaker in a ceremony at the Lower House building.
Mursal got 147 votes in the second round to emerge winner last week. His election came after two months of political stand-off in the Lower House which led to Jawari’s resignation.
Critical for the new speaker in the immediate short term will be forging unity among lawmakers after a bruising battle that drew sharp fault-lines in the House following the March-April political deadlock.
Several bills, eight in total which were tabled by the executive at the beginning of last session in July have not moved beyond the first reading. Only three bills-Communication, Anti-Corruption and Water were disposed of. The last two have been transmitted to the Upper House while President Mohamed Farmaajo has assented to the Communication Act.
During his pre-election campaign, Mursal pledged to fast track the legislative process, build closer working relationship between the House leadership and the various committees in addition to championing for public interest.
Mursal will become the second occupant of the Speaker’s seat since Somalia ended the Transitional Federal Government dispensation in 2012. Jawari served as Speaker from 2012 until last month.