Interview with the Assessment Committee, the head of Central Prison and Deputy Head of Correctional Security Services by Goobjoog News
The President has appointed Assessment Committee and other Specialists to evaluate the circumstances prevailing on the prisoners in Central Prison in Mogadishu.
In light of the above, Goobjoog News had a meeting with the Assessment Committee, Deputy Commander of the Correctional Security Services and Commander of the Central Prison in response to the concern that has preoccupied President Farmajo on the poor condition of the prisoners locked up in Central Prison.
Goobjoog News initially met with some of the Assessment Committee members Dr. Abdikadir Mohamed Muse who was a former National Auditor General and Mukhtar Noor, a onetime Judge in the Appeals Court and inquired from them what their specific work they need to undertake is.
Dr. Muse, a former National Auditor General on his part touched on the work required from the committee that is solely to identify the constant whining coming from the central prison in regard to overcapacity of the numbers of the inmates, those remanded, the length of the prisoners jail term, overdue prisoners, juvenile delinquency especially below the age of 13 years old, terrorists prisoners via fabricated documents, murderers who are still behinds bars though involved families agreed upon on blood money and other issues.
“Our work does not involve looking into verdicts passed by judges. It can be assessed by other judges in the Appeal or Supreme courts if the need arise. Our job is confined only to if complains are there like people detained unlawfully and so on. I think the President might pardon some prisoners at the end of Ramadana” Musa said.
Another member Mukhtar Noor who spoke to Goobjog News said ‘the committee is made up of four members namely, Dr. Abdikadir Mohamed Muse, Dr Tahliil Xaaji Axmed (Lawyer), Maryan Nuur Maxamed (Assistant in the Office of Presidential Constitutional Advisor) and myself’’ said Noor.
He added that these committee are made up of specialists who are tasked to know complains arising from the central prison. This move comes from President Farmajo as part of general modification or amendment he desires towards the Justice department
On the other hand, Deputy Commander of the Correctional Security Services Abdikarim Afrah told Goobjoog News he welcomes the committee appointed by the President Farmajo. He avoided commenting much on the actions of the committee required to carry out and is ready to facilitate any help expected from his office.
Finally Brigadier Mohamed Sheikh Omar S. Mohamud who is the Commander of Central Prison has also welcomed the new committee and added that all the people mentioned above by the former National Auditor General Dr. Muse are incarcerated in the prison and hopes that the investigations done by the committee will bear fruitful outcome.
Goobjoog News