IOM Launches Report on Investing in Somali Youth

IOM, with funding from the Government of Japan, has launched its first report looking at the relationship between youth, employment and migration in Puntland and Somaliland, entitled “Investing in Somali Youth”.
The report, which was launched on International Youth Day in Garowe, Puntland, aims to identify root causes for migration and analyses employment, skills and perception gaps to identify potential responses for IOM and other stakeholders to address issues of youth unemployment and migration.
The event which saw over 200 youth and officials from different government agencies, civil society and the private sector participate, involved presentations of local dramas and songs, with a strong message to young people on the dangers of irregular migration.
Speaking at the launch, Puntland Minister of Youth and Sports Abdirahman Sheikh Ahmed, urged young people to invest in rebuilding their country, as opposed to taking the perilous journey in search of a better life abroad. He also urged young people to join hands with government and other stakeholders in promoting peace in the country.
This message was reiterated by Mariam Mohamed, a representative from the Puntland’s Ministry of Health, who emphasized the importance of including women in the peace-building process, as women play a vital role in Somali society. She also encouraged the government to play a major role in implementing policies that ensure the equality of women in employment.
“The report has been instrumental in highlighting the interplay of youth, employment and migration in Somaliland and Puntland and will be an important document to better plan youth employment interventions. IOM will continue supporting youth employment in Somalia, which is a key priority in the New Deal peace- and state-building goals,” said IOM Somalia Chief of Mission Gerard Waite.