It’s Unfortunate That Ethiopian’s Lyu Police Troops Killed Somali Civilians, says Somali Interior Minister

Somali interior minister, Abdirahman Mohamed Odawaa called upon the Somali clan militia and members of the Liyu police, an Ethiopian paramilitary unit operating in Ethiopia’s ethnic Somali region to cease fire without condition.
He stated that they have put more efforts to intervene the fighting sides and as to bring truce in the region has been experienced a week of clashes in villages near Somalia’s border with Ethiopia which cost more than lives 52 people, most of them civilians.
“I want to share with you the information of the ongoing clashes in villages near Somalia’s border with Ethiopia, we tried to talk to the sides but unfortunately those who are behind the killing of civilians are the Ethiopian Lyu police troops” he said.
The minister said that these are recurrent clashes which need to be stopped immediately without condition and need to be taken measures to halt the shedding of the civilian blood.
He highlighted that they sent message to the sides to stop the escalating clashes and the blood of the innocent pastoralists who practice transhumance life and live in the villages near somali’s border with Ethiopia.
It was not apparently clear what sparked the clashes, which are separate from ongoing battles between African Union troops and Al-Shebab fighters in the far south of the country.