Jubbaland deports politicians to Mogadishu

The administration of Interim Jubba Administration has forcefully deported several Gedo politicians and elders from Dollo town.
Gedo former governor Mohamed Abdi Kalil, Abdi Barre Abdi, Gedo deputy governor, Mohamud Siyad Adan, the chairman of the dervish fighters (AhluSunna waljama’a) in Gedo Sheikh Mohamed Yusuf and other well known elders and politicians were all accused opposing President Ahmed Mohamed Islam administration.
The politicians were warmly welcomed by elders, politicians and some government officials at the airport.
Speaking at Adde Airport, former Gedo governor, Mohamed Kalil said that they were detained for a week without charge in Dollo town.
Meanwhile the order to arrest the politicians and elders was reportedly issued by Interim Jubba Administration after the elders raised their voice against the recently constituted district and provincial administration in Doolow and Gedo region respectively.
This comes a day after Parliamentary committee of Internal Affairs, Regional Administration and Security accused Ethiopian soldiers of detaining Somali citizens and interfering with the nation’s internal affairs.
On 8th August this year, Jubbaland president, Ahmed Mohamed Islam fired Mohamed Abdi Kalil as the governor of Gedo region, one day after the politician reconciled with the Jubbaland administration.
But Kalil has denounced the move and labelled it as immature, with no basis as he was appointed by federal government.