Kenya and Somalia trade lobby sign deal

The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Jubaland Chamber of Commerce and Industry – a business lobby group in Somalia – in a bid to enhance inter-regional business and boost job creation.
The MoU will also enhance trade between the two countries to boost economic growth.
The JCCI chairman Shaafi Raabi Kaahin assured the KNCCI that in spite of insecurity, collapsed government systems and terrorism that have affected the country over the years, Somalia is ready to enhance inter-regional business.
“Jubaland state of Somalia is blessed with major economic drivers and we are ready to revitalise our economy through partnership with our neighbours,” Kaahin said.
The KNCCI chairman Kiprono Kittony said the move will create a closer cooperation between the port of Kismayu and the Port of Mombasa.
“We are appreciative of one factor that Kenya can only be safe if Somali is peaceful and one of the ways of realising a more peaceful Somali is by doing business together,” he said.7
The Star