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Kenya to Join Seychelles in Prosecuting Piracy Suspects


GOOBJOOG NEWS | NAIROBI: Kenya has been picked to assist in the fight against piracy, joining the Seychelles, which was the first country to accept and prosecute suspects of maritime crimes.

The European Union Naval Force (EU Navfor) confirmed that Kenya will now assist Seychelles in handling maritime crimes suspects due to the increasing maritime cases reported.

The move comes as nations with top economies continue to raise concern over disruption of maritime trade in the Red Sea by Yemen’s Houthis and the resurgence of piracy in Somalia saying the illegal groups ought to be eliminated.

Speaking in Mombasa during the closure of marine training between Kenya and EU Nation forces, the European Union Ambassador to Kenya Henriette Geiger said maritime security is a concern as it has led to disruption of trade.

Ms Geiger stated that the EU will work with different governments to suppress insecurity in the water and that EU Navfor will extend its presence in different areas where piracy, narcotics and human trafficking and other crimes are reported.

“EU Navfor Somalia managed to suppress piracy in its previous years but with the current operation Atalanta, the forces will work with different governments to address emerging piracy and the illegal group at Suez Canal,” said the Ambassador.

Spanish ambassador Christina Diaz and her Italian counterpart Roberto Natali, Ms Geiger said although the current threat by Somali piracy is classified as moderate off the Somali Coast, the attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels has remained the biggest worry, resulting in the rerouting of vessels to a longer route through the Cape.

“Seychelles has played a key role in handling suspects arrested in the waters and now Kenya will be another country which EU has entered legal agreement with to allow for the trial of suspected pirates arrested by warships,” said the ambassador.