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Kenyan army constructs bases at the Kenya-Somalia border ahead of withdrawal

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | NAIROBI: Kenya has set up Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) along the Somalia-Kenya border as they plan to drawdown from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).

Kenya’s Defense Minister Aden Duale said the move is meant to bolster security in the country to avoid the Al-Shabaab militants seeking refuge due to the ongoing operation by the Federal Government of Somalia against the militants.

“We are fully committed that when the drawdown from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) comes, we are secure as a country by ensuring that when al-Shabaab feels the heat of the Somalia Security Forces they don’t come to find refuge in Kenya.”

Duale made the remarks when he appeared before Kenya’s Departmental Committee on Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committee to defend the ministry budget for the Financial Year 2023/24.

The border region has borne the brunt of repeated attacks from the militants who are at times aided by locals.

Kenyan president William Ruto recently announced that the drawdown will start in 2024 to allow Somalia to stabilize.