Kenyan forces kill 31 Al-Shabaab militants in southern Somalia

Kenya Defence Forces Sunday killed 31 Al-Shabaab militants in Baadhade in southern Somalia and seized an assortment of ammunition, the force said Monday.
In a statement to newsrooms, the force said they launched ground and air operation following intelligence neutralizing the militants and destroying their logistics bases.
“Ground troops were supported by attack helicopters and artillery fire to access the Al-Shabaab terrorist’s base and the two command and logistics bases located 17 kilometres from Sarira near Hola Wajeer,” the force said.
The forces destroyed two Al-Shabaab vehicles and captured riffles, explosive devices, communication devices among others, the Kenyan force said.
KDF forces under Amisom operates from sector two which covers Lower and Lower and Middle Jubba in southern Somalia.