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Kenyan police arrest a terror suspect in mandera town

Storyline:National News

The reports from North-Eastern province of Kenya state that the police in Madera town have apprehended a terrorist suspect at Mandera central police station.
Mandera police commander Job Boronjo told the media that Salim Abuukar Kitongo who was arrested on Thursday afternoon gave out fundamental information that can lead the arrest of assailants and the masterminds of the attacks carried out in that country.

“The suspect has been on our list for long as reports indicate he is behind the recruitment of Kenyans, Ugandans and Tanzanians into ‘al-Shabaab’ group based in Somalia.” Job said explaining how arrested the suspect.

The commander said Salim, 30 years of age was living in a mosque in mandera town and was arrested after they were tipped off by the public.

Mandera town was traumatized when the massacre of close to hundred Kenyan citizens (who hailed from other parties of the country) carried out by Al-shabab group caused the evacuation of many non-Muslim civil servants including teachers and doctors from the town due to insecurity.