Kenyan police denies killing of Somali cleric

Kenyan police spokesman Zipporah Mboroki told Sabahi Online that they do not have any association with the murder of Somali cleric abducted from Garissa town whose body found in Embu district of central province earlier this week .
“We don’t have information where the police arrested the cleric” he said adding that they were informed missing person and then they started investigation towards the incident .
Ilyaas Barre Shiil an elected MP from Fafi constituency in Garisa County said that sheikh Mohamed Kheyr (Dawaraa) was kidnapped from Garissa near the post office.
He added that Sheikh Mohamed was taken over people claiming to be Kenyan policemen.
The deceased was close relative of Adan Barre Duale, an elected Mp from Garissa county who urged police investigate this case thoroughly. Duale is also the majority leader in the parliament.
The killing has sparked fears that it may have a direct relation with the newly passed anti terrorism bill in Kenya, which human rights groups dismisses as draconian law.