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Kenya’s Opposition Chief now Eyeing AU Commission Head Job


GOOBJOOG NEWS | NAIROBI: Kenya’s Opposition Chief Raila Odinga has officially declared his interest in the African Union (AU) Commission chairmanship.

Speaking to the media in Nairobi Thursday, the former prime minister said he is ready to serve in that position, having previously held the position of AU High Representative for Infrastructure.

Odinga, who was accompanied by former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo, said he has consulted widely over the matter.

“Serving as the AU High Representative for Infrastructure gave me the advantage of learning about each African country. I believe by working together, we can emancipate Africa,” Odinga said.

The former Nigerian head of state while endorsing Mr. Odinga’s decision said it is the right time for a person from Eastern Africa to head the AU Commission and he believes Odinga will be a viable candidate.

“We need a person with experience, a person who understands the situation we are in and a person who comes from a background that can make a difference,” Obasanjo said.

Adding, “We believe people who have held positions of head of government as prime minister or president will be the right people at this particular time to hold the AUC position.”