Khatumo state vows to wage on Somaliland

The administration of Khaatumo state in Northern Somalia vowed to wage on the breakaway state of Somaliland so as to regain the control of the areas under the control of Somaliland forces.
The speaker of Khatumo parliament, Mohamud Sheikh Omar stated that intervention will start from Lasanood district where the civilians face persecutions and other ill treatment by Somaliland forces.
He underlined that the administration will not rest until the civilians in Sool region will get peace” He added.
“ We can no longer remain silent and watch the mistreat the civilians face on their land” the speaker said.
On the other hand the speaker gave details of tribal clashes in the region, he clarified that the administration has made efforts to solve the difference between the warring clans.
Somaliland forces have taken over many districts in the disputed Sool region including Taleh and Lasanood, the skirmishes has caused many casualties to local civilians.