Meeting on harmful effects of Khat (MIRAA) held in Mogadishu

A meeting on the harmful effects of Khat, a stimulant drug, was held in Mogadishu on last night.
The meeting was attended by Abukar Awale Qaddiid, a prominent anti-Khat campaigner from UK, some of Mogadishu youths and officials from women organizations based in Mogadishu.
Speaking at the meeting, Qaaddiid said the use of Khat continues to cause serious problems in the country, especially among youth.
“This stimulant tree has caused a lot of setbacks to the economy of country and the families those who consume it, in addition to that, it is the factor that causes mouth, throat and stomach cancers” he said.
He added that the stimulant drug has a huge negative impact on youths and it can lead the youths to commit crimes as to get a bunch of Khat.
Anti-Khat campaigns have been going on in parts of the nation, spearheaded by Abukar Awale (Qaaddiid) in recent weeks.