Middle Shabelle Governor: “The security of Jowhar is Ok”

The governor Middle Shabelle region, Ali Guudlawe and some his administration officials have last night matched some the streets Jowhar town as to monitor the security situation.
Lower Shabelle deputy governor of political and security affairs, Ahmed Meyre Makaraan who was with the governor last night said “we monitored many sections including how people trade at night and their security, during our tour, we visited cafeterias and took tea and chatted with people in those areas”
Mr. Guudlawe for his part said that the region is safety and secure and this came as result of collaboration the security forces and the public.
“People are carrying out their businesses at night therefore this indicates peace has returned” the governor said.
Lower Shabelle administration is tirelessly working day and night so as to ensure peace instability in the region.