Minister for women:“Zero tolerance of violence against women”

Somali minister for women and human right, Sahro Mohamed Ali Samatar stated that her ministry will not tolerate any more violence against Somali women.
“As the preparations for international women’s day are underway, we need to create awareness to protect the rights of Somali woman, we have to say ‘zero tolerance’ of violence against women, culturally and religiously, the person’s dignity is needed to respected well” Sahra said.
The minister said that Somali people respect women’s right though there are few bad elements who are humiliating women and that is unacceptable, Somali government is committed to promote the rights of women, children and all its citizens.
“Those who are violating women’s right have to know that these women are either, their mothers, sisters or their daughters direct or indirect way, therefore I would have urge them to stop violence against women because globally, it is generally agreed to preserve the dignity of citizens” the minister voiced.
The minister called upon Somali people to take part in process to eradicate violence against women.