Minister of Information Praises the Success of Security Forces’ Operation in Mogadishu

H.E. Mustafa Duhulow, the Minister of Information praises the success of security forces’ operation in Mogadishu as part of the Stabilization process in the country. The military courts today publicly executed 3 Al-Shabaab members after the court sentenced them to death penalty. One of them, Hassan Mohiadin Hassan was the person who facilitated Al-Shabab attack at Villa Somalia last month.
Last night security forces conducted search operations in Mogadishu,which they found a house with arms weapons and successfully ended the operation. The security forces found a number of supplies of heavy and light weapons, military uniforms and ammunitions, including 5 bazookas, 10 RPGs, over 25 AK47, 10 crates of ammunitions, 3 crates of military uniforms, 3 crates boots, and 2 crates of belts to use ammunitions. 10 hand grenade bombs, 25 pistols and other weapons and ammunitions. On 27 July the security forces have successfully launched similar operation where they found weapons.
The Minister of Information, H.E. Mustafa Sheikh Ali Duhulow arrived at the scene last night where the weapons were displayed in front of Somali media. The Prime Minister of Minister of National Security spoke to media at the scene. The Minister said “Security forces have done a magnificent job as they successfully launched an operation in Wadajir District and successfully ended the operation without causing civilian casualties. The aim of the operation was to ensure that the capital city is safe from terrorists attack. The security forces have been doing search operations in houses where they had suspicious as part of Stabilization process in Mogadishu.”
Minister Duhulow speaking on today’s public executions said “Today’s public execution of the three members of Al-Shabab shows our commitment to zero tolerance towards terrorism. The government is devoted to deal with all terrorists in order
for them to face justice in public, as we cannot tolerate few groups or individuals to terrorize public.”
The Minister continued his remarks and said “The government is committed to bringing peace and stability in the country and this kind of operations shows that we need to continue searches in order to ensure that terrorists will have no places to hide or keep their weapons. We are grateful for the cooperation that our security forces received from public as they provided vital information that led to last night’s operation.”
The Minister concluded his remarks and said “Our security forces are currently investigating this matter and anyone that is responsible for the insecurity in the country will be brought to justice. Since the country is moving towards peace and stability we will have no complacency in our stabilization process. I appeal to public to work with security forces in order to eliminate the threats posed by terrorists. The Federal Government is committed to bring peace and stability in the country and those willing to renounce violence and wants to join the peace-building process we welcome them and will provide them an opportunity to become a useful member of the society.”