Mogadishu local government pledges to reconstruct several roads in the city

The local administration of Benadir region has pledged to construct new roads in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.
The Mogadishu mayor, Jama’a Hussein Jim’aale has held talks with the district commissioners from all the seventeen districts across Mogadishu.
The mayor said that his administration will soon commence a project to renovate several roads which hindered vehicles to access that area.
“We are doing means and ways to construct roads and rebuild roads in the city. We gave contracts to Somali companies so that they upgrade and construct roads in the city” said one of the commissioners attending the meeting.
The project of the construction to be implemented by the administration of Benadir region in collaboration with the residents of city, will take part the process to appeal the city.
Mogadishu local government has upgraded some of the city’s road in last two years.
The roads in Mogadishu are still mostly unpaved, with only certain streets — the ones where most of the businesses and government offices are located having tarmac on them.