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Mogadishu Traffic says they recorded 1412 road accidents in 6 months


Cali GaabThe Traffic Top cop Ali Gab has today revealed the statistics of road accidents in the capital for first six months of this year, painting a bleak picture.

He told reporters that the average road accidents in the city exceed one thousand as he warns negligent drivers.

Below is the data the Traffic Department made it public today

  • 30 of accidents is caused by the Police
  • 11 by the military
  • 3 by the African Union Troops AMISOM
  • 16 is caused by the National Intelligence Agency
  • 4 by wheelbarrow
  • 113 of the accidents is caused by Motor Circles
  • 4 is caused by bicycles
  • The custodial corps causes zero accident
  • There are 71 people who died from car accidents
  • 210 sustained light injuries
  • 144 sustained serious injuries

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