Mustafa Duhulow: Somali Diaspora is the backbone to the rebuilding of Somalia

H.E. Mustafa Duhulow, Minister of Information thanked US Government and Somali Diaspora in the US for their commitment and support to Somalia.
The Minister said “My visit to Washington DC, Virginia, Minnesota and Columbus Ohio from 28 September to 08 October 2014 gives me more hope, renewed energy and commitment to advance the peace and stability in Somalia. I am honored and thankful for the commitment, dedication and support shown to me by the US Government officials and Somali Diaspora in the United States of America.”
The Minister of Information had meetings with State Department and other departments in US Government. The Minister updated the US Government officials the political, security and economy progress in Somalia for the last two years. The aim of the visit to Washington DC was to enhance the strong ties and relationship between the two countries and in particular the Media Development in Somalia.
The Minister continued to say “I am struck by the dedication of US Government, the commitment and the leadership shown to me during my meetings with officials. The US government is the lead country that has been supporting Somalia for a very long time including during the civil war and they are now ready to rebuild Somalia so that it will become a useful nations of the world. Without the help and the assistance of the US we would not have achieved much. We should honor the sacrifices made by the US to Somalia in order to bring peace and stability. The killing of Godane, the support of Somali National Army and AMISOM, the humanitarian assistance, the political support and many more are examples of how US is ready to enhance our mutual interest for the sake of Somali people.”
The Minister visited Minnesota and Columbus Ohio and had meetings with Somali Diaspora. “Somalis in the Diaspora that I met really gave me a renewed energy and I was very happy to see so many of them hugely welcoming us in Minneapolis and in Columbus Ohio. I saw a community that is vibrant with a sense of nationalism and I am very proud of them. They are not only integrating into the US society but they are also making valuable contributions to the US. I had the opportunity to celebrate with them during Eidul Adha festivals by visiting Somali Malls in Minneapolis and in Columbus Ohio, praying with them at the Convention Centre in Minneapolis and meeting with them in community events in Minneapolis and in Columbus Ohio. My message to them was that they should organize themselves to take part of the rebuilding of Somalia while integrating and making valuable contributions to US society. I also asked their support in stopping our young people joining terrorists groups such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabaab. Community leaders, religious leaders and parents have a huge role to ensure that our young people are giving job opportunities and all the support they need that can give them a hope, which in turn can stop them joining terrorists groups.” The Minister said.
The Minister concluded” “Somalis in the Diaspora are already making huge contributions to Somalis in terms of economy, political and security. I am very proud of them and I want them to continue to represent the country and to become ambassadors of Somalia. I would like to finally encourage Somalis in the Diaspora to work with the Federal Government of Somalia in order to stop the looming humanitarian crisis in the country. Somalis in the Diaspora have a huge role to play in the democratization process so that in 2016 we will be able to hold fair and free elections in Somalia.”