National electoral commission gets its first chairperson

National electoral commission members have today elected Halimo Ismail Ibrahimn aka Halima Yaray as the commission’s chairlady while Saeed Ali Sheikh Mohamed was granted to be the deputy of chairperson of the commission.
Halimo yarey was the chairperson of the technical committee of state formation conference for Mudug and Galgaduud regions.
On 6th July Somali Federal parliament has approved all the members the commission though Semi-autonomous regional state of Puntland state rejected to recognize their approval.
Independent Electoral Commission is responsible to prepare and technically manage 2016 scheduled election which is the time of current Federal Government term ends.
The commission is expected to hold elections in a country with a generation which did not the word democracy for about two decades.
On 26th July, Somali boundaries and Federalization commission has elected Khalif Abdikarim Mohamed as the chairperson of the commission.