New gangs emerge in Burao, Northern Somalia

Young boys in northern of Somalia, Burao armed with knives and clubs have emerged to commit serious crimes including murder and robbery.
The trend has caused alarm within the town, as local residents have expressed concern over the gangsters.
Gangsters have now become a common element of accounts of crime incidents in Bura’o town, with businesses, pedestrians and retail outlets being the main targets.
One of the most shocking gang attacks was the one in which Mohamed Sultan Ahmed, who was a Shopkeeper was injured.
He was inside his shop when three men entered. they ordered to give them money but he tried to struggle and got injured and they snatched his mobile phone and wallet, according to Ahmed.
“They came into my shop and robbed everything I had ,” said Ahmed who had been injured by the thugs.
Ahmed said members of the group are aged between 13 to 18 years.
He expressed fear saying the gangs are suspected to have been formed as there is police patrol .
He said majority of the gang members were drug users.