Nicholas Kay: National referendum on constitution will be held on 2015

The special representative of United Nations secretary general for Somalia Nicholas Kay briefing media outlets has shed light on the achievements of UN Political Office and AMISOM.
The envoy has declared that a national referendum on the constitution will be held in 2015 and elections in 2016.
“ We are very pleased now progress towards federalism, formation of federal member state in Somalia which will hopefully move on to negotiating new constitution followed by referendum and election in 206” ambassador Kay said.
Nicholas Kay briefed the achievements of AMISOM the past one year in the country.
Kay said the past year AMISOM troops faced numerous challenges due to hostile environment.
“ It has been very busy year for AMISOM, starting up the mission has been always a challenge and starting up the mission and environment in hostile and insecurity in Somalia has definitely been a challenge” Kay said.
Kay noted that 12 months latter their presence reached four different locations in Somalia enabling nearly 100 AMISOM international staff on the ground and hundred UN internation staff across Somalia.
Despite numerous challenges Kay underlined that UN is determined to stay and help Somalia as long as needed.
“So UN despite challenges very much there and on the ground is determined to stay and help as long as needed” he said.
Ambassador Kay stated the country seen remarkable progress on the political and security front and UN and AMISOM played a major role in supporting that.
Finally responding to a question about the competing visions of Somalis towards federalism Mr. Kay said most of Somalis in different parts of the country stick to one Somalia except Somaliland which has claimed to be an independent state since 1991.